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Daily Occurences in the Life of Rod-J Links
07.28.04 - Excellent news from Austin, TX. Ryan Perrilloux, the top rated high school quarterback, has committed - to play for the Longhorns. From what I've read briefly about him, it seems that he combines the best qualities of Chance and Vince, except he throws even better than both. I'm sure there'll be no controversy with Vince starting, but sooner or later the new guy will get his chance.

07.24.04 - This day marks the end of an era. For over 21 years, there lived five permanent residents in the House of Ona. Now, there are four because my sister moved out into an apartment that she'll be paying for. It didn't count before when Mom and Dad paid for our college residences, so this is the first one. Here's to you and your almost full independence, sis.

07.23.04 - Yesterday was an awesome day. I decided to skip both of my classes and instead, had lunch with my mom downtown. We then did a bit of shopping, then I went into her office for a little while, met co-workers and had some tea. Then I headed to Austin for our performance at the Honors Colloquium, this recruitment event for National Merit kiddos. That went really smoothly, especially Tinikling, considering Joe learned it in a couple practices. Then we all headed to 911 for a little get-togther. Lots of drinks, considering I'd never had more than one drink in a single sitting, a couple of cigs, sang group karaoke, hurled twice out of the patio, and had the best night of the summer =) Those guys and gals are so much fun, I tell ya. I then passed out on the couch and crashed there for the night, only to wake up three and a half hours later to rush back home to SA to write a half-assed paper in an hour. Life is good.

07.21.04 - I went up to Austin yesterday to check up on things, pick up bills, begin to organize things for the move out, and practice binasuan with the FSA folk. So no, I didn't just go there for dance practice like everyone thought. Not that it would be a big deal anyways, seeing how I really love to dance. Yes, no shame in admitting the truth. I miss the old days of Karilagan when we were loaded with dancers close to my age and I looked forward to practice, not that I don't anymore, just not as much. Dan was there for an interview, so late at night he invited me to join him at the internet cafe up north located at some cheesy mall. It certainly was interesting. I hadn't played any games at all in quite some time, and it's not like I can actually play the new games on my outdated eMachine. So yeah, I'm lame in most games. Then I decide to try out DDR (which I hadn't done in maybe a year?) on this sweet looking hard pad that I would've drooled over a couple of years ago, and I embarrassingly sucked at it (I used to be pretty good). I quit after I failed a couple rounds, and it didn't help my confidence knowing I was playing right in front of the clerk feller, though I know my lack of skills didn't interest him at all. Normally I thrive in the prescence of others when it comes to any activity where one can be cheered, but my DDR abilities have gone MIA. All in all though, it was a fun new experience.

I have this one gray hair sitting annoyingly at the top of my head, but I won't yank it out like my sister does. In the long run I shall refuse to color my hair or attempt to hide signs of aging, you know, since men age like wine. As of now, it's been close to two months since my last haircut. I always get the urge to either shave it all off or to let it grow out. Back in marching band when my hair was long, during the games, sometimes Dinah, my right hand fellow French hornist, would tie my hair up either in one or four ponytails. I'm thinking it's time to bring back my Chia style. Wow, speaking of that, I miss some aspects of high school. I wouldn't say I had more friends then. Rather, I had better relationships with the friends I had.

In other news, I was playing ball at the base gym, and this kid thought I was 14. I don't know if it my look, or my game. Probably both, I'd say. Hey, this is my longest entry, and what have I talked about? Absolutely nothing, as far as content goes. Hehe, so check back later for more nothingness.

07.18.04 - Our fishing trip was pretty awesome, though it took awhile to get it going. For the first three hours, I had literally no bites at all, and my dad and bro didn't fare much better. At that point, I would've been content with any one of us catching one fish and bringing it home. But then, my brother warmed things up by catching a couple small ones. Then the flood gates opened. I caught a good sized catfish, probably one of the two or three biggest fishes I've ever caught, and maybe the heaviest. Then, we quickly caught five more catfish, followed by a couple good sized flounder, then a crab caught by my dad. Then suddenly as it began, it ended and we didn't catch anymore, but it was still a good outing. What really sucks is that at our normal spot for years, this helicopter pad high above the water, fishing is no longer allowed. Why? That's because earlier, some dummy dropped his radio in the water and actually dove in the water below, which is probably a good 2 or 3 stories below. He obviously couldn't get back up, so the Coast Guard had to come to the rescue. Yes, it's a risky location, but that one man's stupidity cost the rest of us that prime spot. Our next trip we plan on looking for new locations, you know, so we can get some lunkers.

07.15.04 - Thank God that the Filipino hostage is gonna be safely released and returned home after President Arroyo agreed to withdraw the small number of peacekeepers she had there.

07.14.04 - I cancelled the high bidder's bid of $345, so the auction went back down to $1. However, it took all of a day to get back to the peak price. I've put a couple more items up for auction, and we'll see how those go. Oh, and I also created a new Yahoo email address. UT's webmail annoyed me because you can't receive HTML in the emails, but with Yahoo, I now can. Plus, I now have 5 times the space. Friday my family is going fishing. It's sort of a tradition. I'm psyched..if only you knew how much I love to fish. It's so addicting. Heck yeah.

I do believe it's almost time for a new look here.

07.13.04 - LOL, I actually got an A in my summer I Macroeconomic Theory class. I was truly expecting a B after taking the final, but I'm sure Sandy curved overall grades a bit. In other news, both of the previous items I listed for sale on eBay were sold just now at their originally listed prices. My iPod has been up for a few days, and it skyrocketed the first night from $1 to $345, but the high bidder has a positive feedback of 75% and the emails I've sent him have been returned to me. Great, I have a bad feeling about that bidder.

07.07.04 - To all my loyal reader(s) out there, in case you didn't know, I'm no longer half of a couple anymore. Yeah, it just happened not to long ago, but I'll leave it at that. I'd definitely have to say that the breakup is the worst part of a relationship (duh). But the idea of losing your best friend of the past couple of years would be the icing on the cake, or shall I say, the extra follow through in the kick to the nads. But that's not gonna happen.

Other thoughts...

I have come up with a hypothesis of why traffic through Austin is so slow, besides the obvious (there's only one freaking highway through our state's capital). I believe that since drivers have come to expect traffic to slow significantly once they reach the curve at Riverside, they drive slowly even when there aren't any buildups. Yeah, it's annoying, yet I often find myself cruising along at a rate of speed much slower than normal for me.

Oh, and I gassed up at $1.59 per gallon at Mobil off I-10 and Ackerman in good ol San Antone, and I come back to Riverside, and it's 20 cents higher. Sheesh.

I'm selling a couple of items on eBay:
How to Play the Hawaiian Ukulele: 10 Easy Lessons
University of Texas Longhorns 3ft by 5ft flag
And the iPod goes up in the next couple of days.

Please stay, Manu.

07.05.04 - My career/lifetime block total increased to 3 today! And they've all happened this summer in pick up games at Gregory. The first one was against this chunky fella who was as big a scrub as me (and I swatted him down low, too!), and today I blocked two three point attempts by this frat boy today. And so what if his "jump shots" were actually "standing shots?" I bet it's really funny watching me play ball. I'm fine shooting by myself, but throw a defender on me, and BAM! I panic. But I still have fun, regardless of my blunders. I think for Goodphil, they should have a separate, scrub competition, you know, to give us a chance to play =)

In bowling news, I picked up the 6-7 split for either the first or second time ever a few days ago, and it was beautiful!

Can't you see all the great things this summer has brought me? =D

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Friend's Webpages
- jbull
- pyro-mania
- drago8484

Other Sites
- Official Spurs Site
- SA Express News
- Austin 360

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