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Daily Occurences in the Life of Rod-J Links
12.06.04 - Step 2: complete! Today I went to the New Braunfels DPS, scored 19 out of 20, and received my M class driver's license. Yesterday I took my family to Alamo Cycle Plex so I could sit on a Ninja 500, my bike of choice, and it felt better than I would've guessed. Being a not-so-towering 5'3", I was worried I'd be too short to feel comfy on it, but on the seat, I couldn't flatfoot both feet, but my heels were only about 2 inches off the ground. I could flatfoot one foot and tiptoe on the other, though. Next question is, when does Step 3 arrive? Still looking for a used one in great condition...

Who's Got Spirit?
- UT Longhorns
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Other Sites
- Official Spurs Site
- SA Express News
- Austin 360
- Yahoo Fantasy NBA

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