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Welcome to my amateur personal web page. Feel free to check out the links up above. And smile, damn you! Someone's always watching in Rod-J's Space.

Do me a flavor and sign my guestbook. Thanks =)

Daily Occurences in the Life of Rod-J Links
12.31.03 - A man's/boy's confidence can change quite dramatically at the drop of a hat. Is that good, really? Well, definitely if it changes for the better.

12.28.03 - Much love to the guys and gals that wished me a happy birthday today. You guys are great. It means a lot to me. Seriously =) It just sucks not having clear nasal passages =( Did I drink anything that I couldn't legally drink yesterday. Nope. Maybe one day I'll get drunk. I don't really look forward to it, but it's a major initiation into manhood for a little boy like myself.

12.22.03 - Come to the Santo Nino Catholic Church choir's Christmas cantata one hour before the midnight mass (ok, mass is actually at 11 pm on the 24th, making the cantata at 10 pm). Or not. But I'd appreciate it if you do. You could see my debut performance, and you could also see my dad's first solo. Ever. Isn't that reason enough to come?

12.18.03 - Fuck yes. Out of seemingly nowhere, an A appears next to Microeconomic Theory in my online grade report. And that's after a 69 on my first test. And mediocre homework grades.

My break schedule: Eat. Sleep. Prime. Paint.

12.15.03 - No more school! Until next month. I'm home for good now, and I have something to keep me busy while I'm here. I've volunteered to paint the interior of my house, and that'll take up a good portion of my free time. My Mom also enlisted me to help in the church choir's Christmas cantata. Yep, I'll be singing bass =D but only because none of the men read music and I do.

Who's Got Spirit?
- UT Longhorns
- Longhorn Powerlifting
- Texas Flips
- Longhorn Sports
- SI's #1 Sports College

Friend's Webpages
- serazol
- jbull2002
- pyro-mania
- drago8484

Other Sites
- Official Spurs Site
- SA Express News
- Austin 360

[November <<]  [>> January]

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for me, then send me an email.